本隐私政策(“政策”)解释了亚洲博彩平台(“亚洲博彩平台”,” “us,“我们的”或“我们的”)收集, uses and discloses personal information that we collect from users of our website, www.tianjinwbgyk.com, 以及我们运营的任何其他包含本政策链接的网站(统称), “网站”).


我们在向您提供网站的过程中收集您的个人信息. You may provide personal information to us in a variety of ways, depending on how you interact with the websites. 这可能包括当你亚洲博彩平台,提交申请或捐款或学费支付. The types of personal information we collect are described in more detail below.

When you use or access the websites, we may collect personal information 直接从你那里,例如:

  • Contact information, such as your name, email address or phone number
  • 登记 and account information, including your username and password
  • Any information you submit when you contact us through the websites, 包括您在我们通过网站提供的表格中输入的任何信息
  • Information provided through online 应用程序, 例如, for admission to Wake Tech or one of our programs. 当你点击申请时, 您将被重定向到第三方申请平台网站填写您的申请. Any information provided will be subject to their privacy policy. Third-party application platforms may share this information with us.
  • 支付信息,例如,当你通过网站支付学费或捐款时. When you click to pay, you will be directed to our third-party payment processors. 这些处理者的隐私政策适用于您提供的任何支付信息. Third-party payment processors may share this information with us.
  • 求职信息, such as your employment and education history and job and salary requirements, when you apply for a job at Wake Tech using the websites. 在线工作申请流程由第三方服务提供商管理, which will share the information you provide with us.

We also may collect certain other information 自动 when you visit the Websites,例如:

  • 当您使用本网站时,我们将收集有关您的设备和浏览器的信息. 例如, we may receive device identifiers such as IP address and MAC address, operating system type and version and internet browser type and version.
  • We may receive log information related to your activities while using the websites, such as the pages that you view and the links that you click. 此外,我们使用谷歌分析来帮助我们分析访问者如何使用网站. 谷歌分析使用cookie来收集有关您使用网站的信息, 包括你的IP地址. 如果你选择这样做的话, 您可以通过在浏览器的偏好设置中关闭cookie来选择退出谷歌分析. For more information on Google Analytics, including how Google Analytics collects, 使用及披露资料, 指 http://policies.google.com/technologies/partner-sites.
  • 当你使用网站时, 我们可能会从您的IP地址获得有关您的大致位置的信息.
  • 如果您使用我们通过网站提供的在线聊天功能, 我们和提供该功能的第三方将通过该功能收集并记录您的通信内容.
  • The websites may also use cookies to collect personal information. Cookies are pieces of information stored directly on users' computers or devices. Cookies allow us to collect information such as browser type, 花费在在线服务上的时间, 页面访问, referring URL and other traffic and usage data. 我们也可能将cookie用于确定用户感兴趣的功能和修改我们网站的功能或操作等目的.
  • 当您使用这些网站时,这些网站也可能使用其他跟踪技术来收集信息. 例如, 像素标记, 有时被称为网络信标, 在功能上与cookie类似,可以告诉我们某些信息,例如浏览了哪些内容.



  • Providing the websites and supporting the features available to you
  • 与您沟通, 包括通过向您发送营销和促销信息以及响应您的询问和请求
  • Providing promotional content on our websites and other third-party websites
  • Personalizing your experience on the websites, such as enhancing features and designing relevant alerts
  • 进行研究以了解您如何使用网站,并确定您可能感兴趣的功能和服务
  • Developing and improving the websites
  • Operating and improving our organization and our services
  • 故障排除, 排除错误,并以其他方式解决网站功能可能出现的问题
  • 保护合法权益, 财产, safety and security of records or information, 我们的访客和用户, 还有我们的组织和其他组织, including detecting and preventing fraud, misuse of the websites and other unauthorized activity
  • 遵守适用法律, 司法程序, 任何适当授权的民事, criminal or regulatory investigation, or any subpoena or summons issued by a competent authority
  • Enforcing our policies, terms of use or rights arising from contracts
  • 用于您在提交信息时授权的其他目的:
    • 致我们的承包商, service providers and other third parties we use to support our organization, which may include support of any of the data uses described above

我们还可以通过删除任何识别您个人的详细信息来汇总或去除我们通过网站收集的个人信息. 聚合信息或去识别信息不受本政策的约束,并可用于任何合法目的.

With whom we share your information

We may disclose your personal information under the following circumstances:

  • So that we can market and advertise on third-party platforms and websites
  • To comply with applicable law, other legal requirements and industry standards
  • To enforce our policies, terms of use, contracts or other legal rights
  • To investigate or prevent unlawful activities or misuse of the websites
  • 防止恶意, 具有欺骗性的, 欺诈或非法活动, 并参与任何旨在防止或惩罚此类活动的法律或协议的起诉或执行
  • 操作, 评估, 调试, 识别和修复错误, 实施类似的功能增强并改进我们的网站或其他服务
  • 保护合法权益, 财产, 我们的安全与保障, 我们的用户, 我们的员工和其他人

我们也会出于任何目的或向您明确授权或许可的任何组织披露信息, such as when we request your consent to share information and you agree.


We provide you with choices with regard to your information. 例如,您可以选择不提供我们通过网站请求的个人信息. 然而, 不提供我们要求的信息可能会限制您使用网站某些功能的能力.

当您使用网站时,您也可以通过禁用互联网浏览器中的cookie来限制信息的自动收集, but doing so may prevent you from using the functionality of the websites.

一些互联网浏览器有一个“不跟踪”功能,可以让你告诉网站你不想被跟踪你的在线活动. 此时此刻, the websites do not respond to browser "do-not-track" signals, 其他方面可能会收集您在不同网站上的在线活动的个人信息, 应用程序 and other online products or services when you use the website.

获取有关基于兴趣的广告的信息,并选择退出参与自我监管计划的第三方的此类广告, 请浏览以下网页:

请注意,您通过这些程序做出的任何退出选择将适用于您选择的第三方基于兴趣的广告,但仍允许收集数据用于其他目的, 包括研究, 分析和内部操作.




The websites may include links to other websites, 应用程序, information and services provided by third parties. 我们不对这些第三方的隐私政策或做法负责. 如果您选择遵循所提供的链接,我们鼓励您查看此类第三方的适用隐私政策.


We may update this policy to reflect changes in our privacy practices at any time. When we do so, we will update the effective date shown below. 我们鼓励您定期查看本政策,以获取有关我们隐私实践的最新信息.

如果您对本政策或我们的隐私惯例有任何问题或意见,请发送电子邮件 (电子邮件保护).
